Our Brands Best of Breed

Some of our brands you may not have heard of, they are smaller firms with smaller budgets. They focus their dollars on research & development - not on marketing.

Great brands have many facets... performance, reliability, build quality, on-time delivery, and responsiveness in support.

What we have learned - is that when we need support, some national brands just don't provide the level of service we expect and our customers deserve. We believe it's people - not product - that often make the difference.

We carry brands that exemplify excellence in every dimension, including the human.

Let's make your home - the place to be on Game Day.

EPISODE SPEAKERS "Episode in-wall and in-ceiling speakers set a new standard for performance and price."

~ Jeff Albright | KENT Audio-Video

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Episode Website The new Episode in-wall and in-ceiling speakers have to been seen, handled and heard to be fully appreciated. The build quality is exceptional. The performance is stunning. The value they deliver is insane. They are well on their way to be being a nationally recognized brand.